WBJEE Counselling 2023 Date (Out): Check Schedule and Dates

Looking for information about WBJEE Counselling 2023? Check out the complete schedule and important dates for the WBJEE counselling process, including registration, choice filling, seat allotment results, and reporting to allotted colleges.

By Pavithra. J | Last Modified:
WBJEE Counselling 2023 Date (Out): Check Schedule and Dates
WBJEE Counselling 2023 Date (Out): Check Schedule and Dates

WBJEE Counselling 2023: The West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination Board (WBJEEB) has recently announced the dates for the WBJEE counseling 2023. This is an important phase for aspiring candidates who have appeared in the WBJEE 2023 and JEE Main 2023 examinations. The counseling process aims to allocate seats to eligible candidates based on their preferences and ranks. In this article, we will provide you with the complete schedule and important dates for the WBJEE counseling 2023, ensuring you don't miss any crucial deadlines.

WBJEE Counselling 2023 Schedule:

Registration, Fee Payment, and Choice Filling:

  1. Duration: July 20 to July 25
  2. Candidates need to visit the official website, wbjeeb.nic.in, to complete the registration process, make the required fee payment, and fill in their preferred choices.

Display of Mock Seat Allocation:

  1. Date: July 27
  2. Candidates will be able to view a mock seat allocation based on the choices they have filled in during the registration process. This will give them an idea of the possible seat allotment outcomes.

Modification and Locking of Choices:

  1. Date: July 28
  2. Candidates will have the opportunity to modify their choices if needed and lock them by this date. It is important to finalize your preferences as changes cannot be made after this deadline.

1st Round of Seat Allotment Result:

  1. Date: August 1
  2. The WBJEEB will publish the first round of seat allotment results based on the choices made by the candidates. Successful candidates will be able to proceed with the further admission process.

Payment of Seat Acceptance Fee and Reporting to Allotted College:

  1. Duration: August 1 to August 5
  2. Candidates who have been allotted seats must pay the seat acceptance fee within the specified period and report to the allotted college as per the given instructions.

2nd Round of Seat Allotment Result:

  1. Date: August 8
  2. After the completion of the first round, the WBJEEB will announce the second round of seat allotment results. Candidates who were not allotted seats in the first round will have another chance in this round.

Payment of Seat Acceptance Fee and Reporting to Allotted College (2nd Round):

  1. Duration: August 8 to August 11
  2. Candidates who secure seats in the second round must complete the payment of the seat acceptance fee and report to the allotted college within the given timeframe.

Registration for Mop-Up Round, Payment of Registration Fees, and Choice Filling:

  1. Duration: August 14 to August 16
  2. Candidates who did not secure seats in the previous rounds can participate in the mop-up round. They need to register, pay the required registration fees, and fill in their choices for this round.

Display of Mock Seat Allocation (Mop-Up Round):

  1. Date: August 17
  2. Candidates will be able to view a mock seat allocation for the mop-up round based on their preferences and ranks.

Modification and Locking of Choices (Mop-Up Round):

  1. Date: August 19
  2. Candidates can modify their choices for the mop-up round until this date and lock them for final consideration.

Mop-Up Round Seat Allotment Result and Reporting to Allotted College:

  1. Duration: August 22 to August 24
  2. The final seat allotment results for the mop-up round will be announced. Candidates who are allotted seats in this round must complete the reporting process within the specified timeframe.

Official Site 

FAQ on WBJEE Counselling 2023 Date (Out): Check Schedule and Dates 2024

What is WBJEE counseling 2023?

WBJEE counseling 2023 is a process to allocate seats to eligible candidates based on their preferences and ranks in the WBJEE 2023 and JEE Main 2023 examinations.

When is the duration for registration, fee payment, and choice filling?

The duration for registration, fee payment, and choice filling is from July 20 to July 25.

When will the mock seat allocation be displayed?

The mock seat allocation will be displayed on July 27.

Can I modify and lock my choices after July 28?

No, you cannot modify and lock your choices after July 28. It is important to finalize your preferences before this deadline.

When will the 1st round of seat allotment result be announced?

The 1st round of seat allotment result will be announced on August 1.

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